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    Tenders and Auctions

    • The Tender/Auction documents can be collected from the Procurement and Contracts Department at Qatar University during working hours against an authorization letter from the company and payment of Tender Fees as stated in the document (non-refundable), made to Qatar University bank account No.: (0013-012075-001) IBAN:QA03QNBA000000000013012075001, with Qatar National Bank (After ensuring that the company meets all the requirements).
    • Tender Bond should be enclosed in the Technical Offer envelope (as a cheque or as a bank letter of guarantee) in favor of Qatar University, issued by a bank accredited in the State of Qatar. Such Bond shall be valid for (120) days from the last submission date of the offers.
    • Bidders that have not submitted a Tender Bond on the closing day will be disqualified and no Bond will be received after that.
    • Bidders that have not submitted an updated Classification Certificate on the closing day will be disqualified and no Certificate will be received after that.
    • Offers should be valid for (90) days commencing after the submission date of the offers.
    • The successful bidder should submit a Performance Bond not less than  (10%) of the award value issued by a bank accredited in the State of Qatar, and should be valid for (7) days after the end of the contract or the Maintenance period.
    • During the Contract period and upon the approval of the Tenders and Auctions Committee, Qatar University shall have the right to increase or decrease the quantities of items, works or services equivalent to (20%) of the contract value according to its conditions and prices.
    • Last time to submit the Offers will be at 12:30 PM on Tuesday ………/……….../………, and any offer delivered thereafter will not be considered.
    • The Offer should be submitted as per the system of envelopes stated in the advertisement (set of original & copy) and deposited in the tender box located at the Procurement and Contracts Department of Qatar University Building# (A05) in plain sealed envelopes, addressed to the Chairman, Tenders and Auctions Committee, Qatar University, and should bear the tender number, the subject, and the closing date. Do not write the company’s name or use envelopes printed with the company’s name.
    • To collect the Tender/Auction documents, a company representative should provide the following: 1)Letter of authorization, 2) Copy of valid CR, 3) Copy of valid ID, 4) Copy of valid Classification Certificate (The company must be classified in the Government Procurement Regulatory Department - MOF).
    • Inquiries regarding the Tender/Auction have to be addressed to the Procurement and Contracts Department of Qatar University until ……./……../………..
    • Company representative can attend the offers unsealing session on the next day of the closing Wednesday ………./………./………..
    • For more information, please contact Procurement and Contracts Department Helpdesk on Phone No.: +974 4403 3222 - Fax No.: +974 4403