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    Career Advising

    First Year Engineering Student Checklist

    Discover the first step in career planning

    • Career planning workshop by the Career Development Center in Qatar University.
    • Start thinking about the types of jobs that would be interesting
      • Attend company information sessions
      • Industry panels
      • The career fairs
      • Listen to what engineers in your field are doing.Career Library

    Attend a workshop on "How to Write a Resume (resume template)".

    Second Year Engineering Student Checklist

    • Update your resume - add any relevant experience or soft-skills that you gained over the previous semester or summer.
    • Create your career plan.
    • Attend Discover your Career events (career trips, panel discussions, info sessions, workshops) provided by the Career Development Center.
    • Participate in student organizations - take an active role!

    Third Year Engineering Student Checklist

    • It is time to create a LinkedIn profile
    • Have you participated in student organizations!
    • Start looking for internship opportunities in line with your career plan.
    • Attend various workshops empowering your Engineering technical skills.
    • Begin to think about the next step (graduate school vs. job)

    Senior Engineering Student Checklist

    • Update your resume and your LinkedIn profile - add any relevant experience or soft-skills that you gained over the previous semester or summer
    • Develop a strategy for job hunting:
      • Target the companies that do the type of work you want and develop a systematic plan to apply to these companies.
    • Attend the
      • Career fairs company
      • Information sessions
      • Industry panels.
    • Attend various workshops empowering your skills
      • interview skills
      • Presentation
      • problem solving
      • Teamwork etc.
      • (visit the Career Development Center’s YouTube channel for online workshops
