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    Publications 2021


    Ahmad, A; Fadli, F; Oosterhuis, K (Eds); (2021). Game Set and Match GSM4Q 2019 Conference Book of Proceedings, Doha, Qatar: QU Press.

    Book Chapters

    Ibrahim, H; (2021). “Approach Based on Traditional Architecture Indicators to Strengthen Urban Identity in Diverse Cities,” Design of Cities and Buildings-Sustainability and Resilience in the Built Environment, IntechOpen, 13 September 2021, ISBN: 978-1-78985-150-2, Print ISBN: 978-1-78985-149-6, ISBN: 978-1-78985-669-9, DOI:10.5772/intechopen.94746, 

    Zverovich, V; Boguslawski, P; Mahdjoubi, L; Fadli, F; (2021). “Hazardous Indoor Environments,” Modern Applications of Graph Theory (V Zverovich, Ed). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021, 109-212. 

    Journal Articles

    Alattar, D; Furlan, R; Grosvald, M; Al-Matwi, R; (2021). ‘West Bay Business District in Doha, State of Qatar: Envisioning a Vibrant Transit-Oriented Development’, Designs5(2), 33. DOI: 10.3390/designs5020033, 

    Al Touma, A; Ouahrani, D; (2021). “The application of control algorithm for optimal performance of evaporatively-cooled façade system in hot dry and humid weathers”, Journal of Building Engineering44(102642), DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102642, 

    Ahmad, AM; Aliyu, AA; (2021). “Strategy for shading walkable spaces in the GCC region,” Journal of Urban Generation and Renewal14(3), 312-328,

    Bezai, NE; Medjdoub, B; Al-Habaibeh, A; Chalal, ML; Fadli, F; (2021). “Future cities and autonomous vehicles: analysis of the barriers to full adoption,” Energy and Built Environment, January 2021, 2(1), Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbenv.2020.05.002, 

    Boussaa, D; Alattar, D; Nafi, S; (2021). “The search for identity in a global world: The case of Doha in Qatar,” Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal14(3), 295–311, 

    Boussaa, D; (2021). “The past as a catalyst for cultural sustainability in historic cities; the case of Doha, Qatar,” International Journal of Heritage Studies27(5), 470-486, DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2020.1806098, 

    Douaa K; Al Assaad, MS; Orabi, NK; Ghaddar, KF; Ghali, Salam, DA; Ouahrani, D; Farran, MT; Habib, RR; (2021) “A sustainable localised air distribution system for enhancing thermal environment and indoor air quality of poultry house for semiarid region,” Biosystems Engineering, 203, 70-92, DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2021.01.002, 

    Ferwati, MS; Ahmad AM; Takalkar, GD; Bicer, Y; (2021). “Energy and exergy analysis of parallel flow double effect H2O-[mmim][DMP] absorption refrigeration system for solar powered district cooling,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering28(101382), DOI: 10.1016/j.csite.2021.101382, 

    Furlan, R; Sinclair, B; (2021). “Planning for a Neighbourhood and City-Scale Green-Network System in Qatar: The Case of MIA Park,” Environment, Development and Sustainability23, 14933–14957,

    DOI: 10.1007/s10668-021-01280-9, 

    Harrouz, JP; Al Assaad, D; Orabi, M; Ghali, K; Ouahrani, D; Ghaddar, N; (2021). “Modeling and optimization of poultry house passive cooling strategies in semiarid climates,” International Journal of Energy Research, DOI: 10.1002/er.7139, 

    Harrouz, JP; Katramiz, E; Ghali, K; Ouahrani, D; Ghaddar, N; (2021) “Comparative analysis of sustainable desiccant – Evaporative based ventilation systems for a typical Qatari poultry house,” Energy Conversion and Management, 245(114456), DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114556, 

    Hosseini, SMM; Fadli, F; Mohammadi, M., (2021). “Biomimetic kinetic shading facade for improving occupant’s daylight performance,” Journal of Daylighting, 8(1), 65-82, 

    Ibrahim, H; Khattab, Z; Khattab, T; Abraham, R; (2021). “Generative Adversarial Network Approach to Future Sermonizing of Housing Dispersal in Emerging Cities", Journal of Urban Planning and Development1468(1), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 24 November 24, 2021, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000783, 

    Ibrahim, H; Khattab, Z; Khattab, T; Abraham, R; (2021). “Expatriates’ Housing Dispersal Outlook in a Rapidly Developing Metropolis Based on Urban Growth Predicted Using Machine Learning Algorithm", Journal of Housing Policy Debate, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/10511482.2021.1962939, 

    Khan, AH; Major, MD; Tannous, HO; Paquet, T; (2021). “Tradition, Transformation, and Re-creation in Two Marketplaces: Souq Al Wakrah and Souq Waqif, Qatar,” Habitat International116(102438), ISSN 0197-3975, DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2021.102438, 

    Lifam, K; Furlan, R; Ali, L; Esmat, M; Al-Matwi, R; (2021). “Place-making of transit towns in Qatar: The case of Qatar national museum-Souq waqif corridor,” Designs5(18). DOI: 10.3390/designs5010018, 

    Major, MD; (2021). “‘Excavating’ Pruitt-Igoe using space syntax,” Architectural Research Quarterly (arq), Cambridge University Press, 25(1), 55-68, DOI: 10.1017/S1359135521000130, 

    Major, MD; Atour, RM; Tannous, HO; (2021). “Organized Complexity of the Urban Object,” Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture & Planning (DRArch), 2 (01-18) (December 2021), Special Issue: Space Syntax, Selçuklu/Konya, Turkey: Konya Technical University, 1-17, E-ISSN: 2757-6329, DOI: 10.47818/DRArch.2021.v2si032, 

    Nafi, S; Furlan, R; Grosvald, M; Al-Matwi, R; Lifam, K; (2021). “Transit-Oriented Development in Doha: An Integrated Development Strategy from the Urban Design Study of the Neighbourhood of Al-Sadd (Hamad Hospital Station),” Designs5(4), 60. DOI:10.3390/ designs5040061, 

    Patel, S; Furlan, R; Grosvald, M; (2021). “Significance of Informal Economies in India: Case of K. R. Market, Bangalore,” Sage Open11(2), 1-17, DOI:10.1177/21582440211023184, 

    Petri, I; Rana, O; Rezgui, Y; Fadli, F; (2021). “Edge HVAC Analytics,” Energies14(17), 5464; DOI: 10.3390/en14175464, 

    Regaya. Y; Fadli. F; Amira. A; (2021). “Point-Denoise: Unsupervised outlier detection for 3D point clouds enhancement,” Multimedia Tools and Applications80, 28161–28177, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-021-10924-x, 

    Tannous, HO; Major, MD; Furlan, R; (2021). “Accessibility of Green Spaces in a Metropolitan Network: Using Space Syntax to Objectively Evaluate the Spatial Locations of Parks and Promenades in Doha, State of Qatar,” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening58(March 2021), 126892, DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126892, 

    Zaina, S; Fadli, F; Khamidi, MF; (2021). “Technical review of green roofs in hot arid region: case of Qatar,” International Journal of Global Warming, InderScience Publishers, 461-481, 

    Conference Papers

    Alsaeed, M; Fadli, F; (2021) “Smart Interactive Buildings [SIBs]: The use of Ambient Intelligent Systems [AMIS] to enable Smart Interactive Settlements [SISs],” Game Set and Match GSM4Q 2019 Conference Book of Proceedings (AM Ahmad, F Fadli, K Oosterhuis, Eds.), Doha, Qatar: QU Press. 

    Al-Assaad, D; Ghaddar, N; Ghali, K; Ouahrani, D; (2021), “Sustainable Poultry House Ventilation Using Dew Point Indirect Evaporative Cooler Aided With Radiative Cooling,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Summer Conference, 84874,

    Al-Mohannadi, A; Sinclair, B; Furlan, R; Al-Matwi, R; (2021). “From String of Pearls to String of Parks - Exploring Potency + Prospective of Landscape Design in the Islamic City: The Compelling Case of Doha, Qatar,” ARCC 2021 Conference, Virtual: Tucson, Arizona USA, 7-10 April 2021, 

    Boussaa, D; (2021) “The Role of Heritage Tourism and its Implications for Urban Regeneration in Old Doha, Qatar,” The ZEMCH 2021 Conference, 26-28 October 2021, United Arab Emirates (UAE) University, UAE.

    Elnour, M; Mohammedsherif, H; Fadli, F; Rezgui, Y; Petri, I; Ahmad MA; Hodorog, A; Meskin, N; (2021). “Neural network-based predictive control system for energy optimization in sports facilities: a case study,” 38th CIB W78 conference on Information and Communication Technologies, Luxembourg, 11-15 October 2021. Proc. of the Joint Conference CIB W78 - LDAC 2021. Luxembourg: CIB, 734-743, 

    Fadli, F; Rezgui, Y; Petri, I; Meskin, N; Ahmad MA; Hodorog, A; Elnour, M; Mohammedsherif, H; (2021). “Building energy management systems for sports facilities in the Gulf region: a focus on impacts and considerations,” 38th CIB W78 conference on Information and Communication Technologies, Luxembourg, 11-15 October 2021. Proceedings of the Conference CIB W78 2021. Luxembourg: CIB, 723-733, 

    Fadli, F; (2021) “Medinas: From Vernacular to Smart Sustainable Cities and Buildings,” Game Set and Match GSM4Q 2019 Conference Book of Proceedings (A.M. Ahmad, F. Fadli, K. Oosterhuis, Eds.), Doha, Qatar: QU Press. 

    Major, MD; Tannous, HO; (2021). “The Body at the Center of Our Design Universe,” Game Set and Match GSM4Q 2019 Conference Book of Proceedings (AM Ahmad, F Fadli, K Oosterhuis, Eds.), Doha, Qatar: QU Press. 

    Salaheldin, H; Major, MD; Tannous, HO; (2021). “Analysis of Built Environment Factors on Walkability at Three Doha Metro Stations,” Proceedings of the 57th ISOCARP Virtual World Planning Congress (P. Lorens, H.H. Magidimisha, N. Balamiento Eds.), International Society of City and Regional Planners, 8-11 November 2021, Doha, Qatar, pp. 2419-2436, ISBN/EAN 978-90-75524-69-7, 

    Tannous, HO; Major, MD; Al-Obaidan, M; (2021). “Past Traditionalism, Present Modernism, and the New Qatari Regionalism: Architectural Vocabularies over Time in Qatar,” 18th Annual International Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) Conference, 11-13 November 2021, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
