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    The Physics program at Qatar University is the first and the only program in Qatar that grant a degree in physics to serve the society. The BSc in Physics program is structured as common physics core followed by focus area courses in applied physics fields to provide workforce that serves many organizations in Qatar and a well-defined path for direct entry into the job market in these specialized fields.

    Educational Objectives of the Physics Program

    • Provide students with a broad knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts of theoretical and experimental physics.
    • Educate and train students to acquire critical thinking and skills of problem solving essential to analyze general physics problems.
    • Educate students to be familiar with research methodologies and ethics, and be able to communicate scientific results of their work in oral and written reports and presentations.
    • Produce graduates to extend their knowledge of the principles of physics to the use in technological applications, and who can work effectively in the different disciplines of physics.
    • Produce graduates who can continue in further graduate studies.

    Student Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this program, graduates will:

    • Demonstrate a well-founded knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts of physics.
    • Analyze physics related problems to formulate appropriate solutions.
    • Develop logical and critical thinking.
    • Demonstrate ability of using mathematical, computational skills, and software to solve physical problems correctly.
    • Illustrate experimental skills in physics to apply physical concepts.
    • Communicate the experimental and theoretical results in written and oral forms.
    • Demonstrate high ethical standards.
    • Use modern lab techniques and computer software effectively and safely.

    Applicants must satisfy Qatar University defined College and Program requirements including the minimum high school percentage requirement. Detailed Undergraduate admission requirements are available at the following link:

    The employment prospects for a graduate from the Physics program are varied as it is an interdisciplinary program. Physics graduates will be equipped with the necessary skills to be employed by a range of both governmental and non-governmental organizations.

    Potential employers include:

    • Ministry of Education and Higher Education
    • Universities
    • Research Centers
    • Hamad Medical Corporation
    • Sidra Medical and Research Centre.
    • Private hospitals
    • Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
    • Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
    • Ministry of Defense
    • Qatar Meteorology Department
    • Qatar Civil Aviation Authority
    • Qatar Energy
    • Qatar Steel Company
    • Qatalum (Qatar Aluminum)
    • QAPCO
    • Qatar Solar Technologies
    • Qatar Museum Authority

    Brochure of Physics Program [ English-Arabic ]