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    Magazine Sections


    Sheds light on the most important new achievements of the Research and Graduate Studies Sector, as well as international winning research awards.

    Projects News

    Specialized with priorities, strategies and research grants.

    Research Achievements

    Covers research achievements that depend on several criteria such as:

    • Publishing in high-impact international peer-reviewed journals
    • Quantity of published research papers
    • Citation index in research studies
    • Level of application and marketing (not limited to the patent stage only)
    • Obtaining grants for research projects

    Innovation Oasis

    Oriented with innovations and patents at the university that have an impact on society and industry, which includes:

    • Interview with an Inventor
    • Two articles on two distinctive inventions
    • Inventor Business Card

    Student Projects

    Sheds light on research and graduation projects for students from all faculties and does not require publication.

    Research Issues

    Includes local and international research issues of interest to the general public.

    Research Articles

    Covers research articles from various disciplines.

    Under Spotlight

    Discussions with distinguished and elite Qatar University students and researchers on several topics, including:

    • Story of a Knowledge Platform
    • Interview with a Researcher
    • Researcher Business Card
    • Interview with a Student
    • Student Business Card
    • Interview with an Author


    Highlights the activities of the Research and Graduate Studies Sector, research centers and colleges at the university.