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    Future Scientists Academy - STEM

    STEM …. Where the Future is Present

    STEM Academy 

    About us

    STEM is an educational orientation that prepares school students to engage in careers related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM also contributes to empowering students’ skills in survey, logical thinking, problem solving, and  21st century skills through scientific activities and integrated application to ultimately prepare learners to succeed in their university life and their career prospects.

    Our Objectives

    Introduce STEM to students to guide their thinking and tendencies toward specialization in such professions.

    • Develop students' skills in scientific inquiry, problem solving, and technology use.
    • Enhance communication skills, collaborative learning and teamwork of participating students.
    • Contribute to the preparation of students for success and excellence in their academic and professional future.

    Targeted Audience

    >Students of the preparatory stage


    • The National Center for Educational Development holds a one-week STEM Academy every year. Throughout the week, the participating students are involved in hands-on scientific activities such as designing and building bridges, water filtering, and investigating crime scenes, etc. In addition to this, the participants take part in purposeful entertaining activities like visiting the Science and Technology Park and the Virtual Reality.
    • The Academy has been held with the participation of approximately 12 schools annually since its inception in 2013-2014.