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    Prospective Supervisors

    The application cycle has opened for MSc (Pharm) positions for the 2022 academic year. As described on the Study Plan web page, graduate students are expected to identify the discipline he/she wishes to focus on during Phase I of the program and begins to undertake specialized training commencing in Phase II. The following tables identify the faculty supervisors and specialties. To contact the faculty members below, see faculty webpage. 


    Prospective Supervisors Academic PositionResearch Interest

    Research in Clinical Pharmacy & Practice
    Dr. Mohamed IzhamProfessorPharmaceutical policy and supply management, Pharmaceutical economics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Socio-behavioral aspects of pharmacy & health, Quality of life studies.

    Dr. Derek StewartProfessorPharmacy practice; prescribing; medication safety; education; development, implementation, evaluation and implementation of models of care.  
    Dr. Hazem ElewaAssociate ProfessorPharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine to optimize medication use. Clinical research in the area of Cardiology and anticoagulation.
    Dr. Daoud Al- BadriyehAssociate Professor

    Pharmacoeconomics, Health Economics, Comparative and clinical effectiveness research, Pharmacoepidemiology, Decision analytic modeling, Meta-analysis.

    Dr. Kazeem YussufAssociate ProfessorClinical pharmacy, Pharmacoepidemiology, Self- medication, Adherence, Drug utilization.
    Dr. Ahmad AwaisuProfessorPharmacy practice, Outcome-based research, Pharmacoepidemiology and medication safety, Health promotion, Pharmacy education.
    Dr. Maguy El HajjAssociate Professor

    Pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy, medication safety, and smoking cessation. 

    Dr. Monica ZolezziAssociate ProfessorImplementation of pharmacist-led programs for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. Rational use of medications in the geriatric population and in people with mental illness.
    Dr. Banan MukhalalatiAssistant ProfessorPharmacy education, healthcare profession education, learning theories, pharmacy management, and qualitative research methods in pharmacy.
    Dr. Alla El-AwaisiAssistant Professor

    Interprofessional education and collaborative practice, patient safety, student leadership, health profession education, and pharmacy practice.

    Dr. Zachariah NazarClinical Assistant ProfessorPharmacy education, community pharmacy, transition of care and service innovation.
    Dr. Yaw OwusuClinical Assistant ProfessorOutcomes research (chronic metabolic diseases), infectious diseases, and evidence-based medicine.
    Dr. Sownd SankaralingamAssociate ProfessorEndothelial cell dysfunction, Cardiac hypertrophy and energy metabolism in diabetes and obesity.
    Dr. Muhammad Abdul HadiAssociate ProfessorPharmaceutical Health Services Research, medicine optimization, drug safety and pharmacy education

    Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 


    Dr. Hesham KorashyProfessorOncology (Breast cancer), Cardio-Oncology, Environmental toxicology (heavy metals).
    Dr. Nashiru BillaProfessor

    Improved bioavailability of therapeutics through nano-formulation with emphasis on gastrointestinal drug delivery, including colon cancer nano-therapeutics.

    Dr. Feras AlaliProfessorDrug discovery and development, drug and pharmaceutical analysis and analytical and quality accreditation.
    Dr. Abdelbary ElhissiProfessorFormulation of liposome, proliposome and nanotechnology-based systems for respiratory drug delivery; developing nanomedicines for anticancer applications; use of biomaterials and implants for dental applications.
    Dr. Ashraf KhalilProfessorCharacterization of new monoamine oxidase inhibitors and substrates from synthetic and/ or natural sources, Drug metabolism, Chemical modification of natural products and multistep synthesis of biologically active compounds.
    Dr. Alaaldin M. AlkilanyProfessor

    We fabricate gold nanostructures to fight cancer and various pathogens using the photothermal effect of “Nanogold”. Moreover, we use these metallic nanoparticles as “Nanoprobes” to understand their fate in complex biological compartments (cellular uptake, biodistribution, and caner targeting). Also, we fabricate polymeric nanoparticles to engineer smart drug delivery systems that can provide superior medications with higher potency and lower adverse effects.

    Dr. Abdelali AgouniAssociate ProfessorMolecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular risk in metabolic disorders.
    Dr. Fatima MraicheAssociate ProfessorUnderstanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for the induction of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.
    Dr. Hassaan RathoreAssociate ProfessorNeurohumoral control of cardiovascular & kidney functions in health and disease, Hypertension, diabetes and anti-oxidant research,  Traditional medicine, translational and integrative Physiology and Pharmacology, Hydrogen Sulphide and Nitric Oxide in vascular diseases.
    Dr. Ousama RachidAssociate ProfessorDrug formulation and quality control testing of solid dosage forms. Drug analysis and stability studies under stress conditions such as in emergency medical settings. Drug ADMET predictions and pharmacokinetic modeling.
    Dr. Anis DaouLecturerResearch into improvement of cancer therapies through the use of neuron beam therapy, specifically concentrating on improved selective targeting of suitable boron agents for targeting brain tumors. Improving delivery of pharmaceutical agents through modification and manipulation of nano-delivery systems for selective targeting.