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    What's New


    QU Health Students Engaged in IPE Activity on "Antimicrobial Stewardship"

    Third IPE Students Society Annual Forum

    Being an Effective Team Player


    IPESS collaborates on Smoking Cessation campaign

    IPE workshop engages 96 students on teamwork and communication

    IPE Workshop Engages Health Care Students in Teamwork and Communication

    Health Care Students Participate in the 2nd IPE-SS Research Day


    Pharmacy and Nursing Students Engage in Shared Learning

    CPH student wins 1st place at International Healthcare Challenge

    CPH holds 3rd IPE activity on Smoking Cessation

    CPH IPE Workshop Engages 112 Healthcare Students

    College of pharmacy Leads Interprofessional Education Workshop in Qatar


    College of Pharmacy Holds First-Ever IPE MENA Conference

    College of Pharmacy to Lead First-Ever Middle East Conference on IPE

    Pharmacy and Nursing Students Engage in Shared Learning

    IPE Student Society Host their First Event

    College of Pharmacy Collaborates in Organization of IPE Workshop

    Qatar University College of Pharmacy Wins the Bid to Host the IPE Conference in December


    Pharmacy, Nutrition and Sport Science Students Practice Interprofessionalism

    Pharmacy Leads Interprofessional Education in Qatar

    Qatar University College of Pharmacy and Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Join Forces for Patient Care

    Dr. Shane Pawluk Awarded QNRF JSREP Grant

    College of Pharmacy Faculty Members Awarded Two QU Internal Research Grants

    Another Interprofessional Education Activity Conducted at the College of Pharmacy

    Pharmacy Students Competer at Interprofessional Health Science Skills Competition


    College of Pharmacy Students in Health Sciences Skills Competition

    Pharmacy and Nutrition Students IPE Activity at Qatar University

    Pharmacy and Nursing Students IPE Activity at University of Calgary


    College of pharmacy Participates in First National Inter-Institutional Clinical Skills Competition