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    ISO/IEC 17025:2017 - A2LA Accreditation

    ILAC MRA-A2LA Accredited Symbol 2924.03 In 2018, LARC laboratories achieved accreditation from ISO/IEC 17025:2017 American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). LARC registered three testing methods with ISO 17025:2017 and maintained its competency throughout. The proficiency of lab staff is assessed by external quality testing through authorized testing centers. LARC diagnostic laboratory section plays a dual role by offering technical training for both QU and Non-Qu students while also providing testing services for public and private sectors for various diagnostic procedures.

    Quality Assurance

    Annual Quality Assurance of water samples and blood samples are validated from FAPAS as proficiency testing and IDEXX Laboratories as inter laboratory comparison respectively. Our advanced laboratory methods and highly skilled team are committed to safeguarding the health and welfare of samples.

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