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    Visionary Insights: Electron Microscopy from Laboratory Testing to Analysis in the Era of the Modern Technological Revolution

    The Central Laboratories Unit (CLU) within the Research and Graduate Studies Sector at Qatar University (QU) is dedicated to fostering advanced research and innovation across various scientific disciplines. Recognizing the significance of electron microscopy (EM) in enabling groundbreaking discoveries at the nanoscale, CLU is collaborating with ThermoFisher Scientific to organize an enlightening full-day workshop program.

    Electron microscopy is a pivotal tool in a modern scientific investigation. It allows researchers to delve into materials' intricacies at previously inaccessible scales. With its unparalleled resolution and imaging capabilities, EM offers insights crucial for advancing knowledge of materials science and life sciences.

    In this comprehensive workshop, specialists from ThermoFisher Scientific, a leading provider of electron microscopy solutions, will explore EM techniques in detail tailored to the needs of researchers and innovators. Emphasizing key aspects such as sample preparation methodologies, advanced imaging strategies, and analytical approaches, the workshop aims to equip participants with a solid understanding of electron microscopy fundamentals and its diverse applications.

    The workshop curriculum encompasses an array of topics, starting with an overview of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques tailored for materials science applications. Participants will gain insights into imaging strategies and analytical methods for characterizing various micro- and nano-scale material systems.

    Transitioning to transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the workshop will explore its capabilities and significance in materials science research. Special attention will be given to sample preparation techniques facilitated by Dual Beam (FIB/SEM) technology, which enables precise manipulation and analysis of samples for TEM investigations.

    Moreover, the workshop will spotlight the role of TEM in life sciences, elucidating its applications in areas such as single-particle analysis, tomography, and large-volume analysis. Through visualization techniques and workflow demonstrations, participants will grasp the potential of TEM in unraveling the complexities of biological systems at the nanoscale.

    The workshop's interactive discussions and hands-on demonstrations led by ThermoFisher specialists will provide participants with valuable insights and practical experience in electron microscopy. By fostering a collaborative learning environment, the workshop aims to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively leverage electron microscopy in their research, development, and innovation endeavors.

    Participants are expected to have a foundational understanding of the role of electron microscopy in scientific inquiry, enabling them to engage fully with the workshop content and discussions. Through this collaborative initiative, CLU and ThermoFisher Scientific aspire to catalyze innovation and advance research excellence in Qatar University's scientific community.


    The workshop aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of advanced microscopy techniques, particularly scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and their applications in materials science and life sciences.


    • Educational Overview: To offer participants an in-depth overview of SEM imaging strategies, analysis techniques, TEM solutions, and analysis methodologies tailored explicitly for materials science applications.
    • Sample Preparation Importance: To emphasize the significance of sample preparation, especially by the dual beam (FIB/SEM), in achieving high-quality imaging and analysis results in TEM.
    • Application Focus: To explore the various applications of TEM in materials science, including its use in analyzing nanomaterials, polymers, composites, minerals, and biological materials.
    • Cross-disciplinary Insights: This section will highlight the interdisciplinary nature of TEM applications by discussing their relevance and workflows in materials science and life sciences, including single particle analysis, tomography, and significant volume analysis.
    • Hands-on Experience: To provide practical demonstrations, hands-on sessions, and Q&A sessions throughout the workshop, enabling participants to gain practical experience in operating SEM and TEM instruments and performing sample preparation techniques.

    By achieving these objectives, the workshop aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to effectively utilize SEM and TEM techniques in their research, analysis, and experimentation in materials science and related fields.

    Benefits from this Workshop

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of various electron microscopy techniques used in materials science.

    • Learn advanced imaging strategies and analysis methods for SEM and TEM.
    • Acquire sample preparation techniques using Dual Beam (FIB/SEM).
    • Explore TEM applications and workflows in materials science and life sciences.
    • Enhance skills in automated sample preparations and 3D characterization using Dual Beam technology.
    • Network with experts and peers in the field, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

    The workshop aims to provide diverse participants with valuable knowledge, practical skills, and networking opportunities in electron microscopy and its various applications across different sectors.

    The expanded list of participants for the workshop would encompass:

    1. Academics: Researchers, graduate students, and faculty members from Qatar University and other academic institutions interested in materials science and microscopy techniques.
    2. Materials Science Professionals: Individuals working within the materials science field, including researchers, engineers, and technicians involved in materials characterization, development, and analysis.
    3. Biological and Medical Professionals: Professionals engaged in biological and medical research interested in the applications of microscopy techniques, particularly SEM and TEM, in their respective fields.
    4. Policymakers and Government Officials: Those involved in policymaking and governmental affairs who wish to gain insights into the implications of nanotechnology and materials science for policy decisions.
    5. General Enthusiasts: Individuals with a general interest in science and technology, notably electron microscopy and its applications, regardless of their professional background.
    6. Researchers: Material scientists, life science researchers, pharmaceutical researchers, chemists, physicists, and engineers conducting research at the nanoscale and beyond.
    7. Industry Professionals: R&D personnel, quality control specialists, product development engineers, and other professionals working with advanced materials, nanomaterials, and biomaterials.
    8. Students: Graduate and undergraduate students pursuing degrees in materials science, engineering, and related fields who wish to enhance their understanding of microscopy techniques and their applications in research and industry.
    • To stay updated with the latest advancements in electron microscopy techniques.
    • To gain practical insights and hands-on experience in SEM, TEM, and Dual Beam technology.
    • To explore diverse electron microscopy applications in materials science and life sciences.
    • To network with industry experts and peers, facilitating potential collaborations and career opportunities.
    • To enhance skills and expertise, making valuable contributions to research and development projects.

    The Central Laboratories Unit (CLU), Research and Graduate Studies Sector at Qatar University (QU), is pleased to offer an insightful full-day workshop program on the investigative use of electron microscopy in integrated research, development, and innovation in association with ThermoFisher Scientific.

    The workshop, scheduled for April 25, 2024, at Qatar University's Research Complex (H10) Auditorium in Doha, comprehensively explores electron microscopy techniques vital to materials and life sciences. Structured with an opening session followed by three focused sessions, participants will delve into the intricacies of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and advanced applications such as Dual Beam Technology for sample preparation and 3D characterization. Through lectures, discussions, and potential practical demonstrations, attendees will gain invaluable insights into imaging strategies, analysis methodologies, and the significance of electron microscopy in diverse scientific disciplines, fostering a deeper understanding of cutting-edge research methodologies.

    The course content covered the following topics.

    • Overview of SEM and TEM techniques in materials science.
    • Imaging strategies and analysis methods for SEM.
    • Importance of sample preparation using Dual Beam (FIB/SEM) technology.
    • Applications and workflows of TEM in materials science and life sciences.
    • Automated sample preparations and 3D characterization using Dual Beam technology.
    • Case studies and practical demonstrations illustrating the use of electron microscopy in various research areas.

    08:30 - 09:00 Registration and Coffee
    Opening session
    09:00 - 09:20
    1. Dr. Noora Al-Qahtani, Section Head of the Central Laboratories Unit -Research and Graduate Studies Sector
    2. Dr. Omar Sweid- Area Manager - Middle East and Africa (United Arab Emirates)
    First session
    09:20 - 10:20

    Entitled: Overview of Electron Microscopy Techniques: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Imaging Strategies and Analysis for Materials Science


    1. Daniel Phifer, Senior Manager, Product Specialist, SEM, Dual Beam (Netherlands)
    2. Xavier Grandmaison, Sales Manager, EMEA, Visualization and Data Solutions (France)
    10:20 -10:40Coffee Break20 min
    Second session
    10:40- 11:40

    Entitled: Overview of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) solutions and analysis for Materials Science and importance of sample preparation by Dual Beam (FIB/SEM). Dual Beam Technology for Automated Sample preparations and 3D characterization


    1. Ondřej Bačo, Product Specialist, TEM (Czech Republic)
    2. Daniel Phifer, Senior Manager, Product Specialist, SEM, Dual Beam (Netherlands)
    11:40- 12:40 Lunch and Prayer Break1hr
    Third Session

    Entitled: Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for Materials Science Applications.


    1. Ondřej Bačo, Product Specialist, TEM (Czech Republic)
    2. Xavier Grandmaison, Sales Manager, EMEA, Visualization and Data Solutions (France)
    Four Session

    Entitled: Transmission Electron Microscopy for Life Sciences, Applications and Workflows (Single Particle Analysis, Tomography, Large Volume Analysis). Visualization.


    1. Gaurav Sharma, Product Specialist, Cryo-EM, Life Sciences (Netherlands)
    2. Xavier Grandmaison, Sales Manager, EMEA, Visualization and Data Solutions (France)
    Panel Discussions
    14:40-15:40Qatar University electron microscopy users and Thermo Fisher product specialists1hr
    Closing Session

    A team of EM specialists from Thermo Fisher Scientific will deliver the session:

    Dr. Omar Sweid  

    Dr Omar Sweid is the Area Sales Manager for the Middle East and Africa. He joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in the Netherlands in 2012 and then moved to Thermo Fisher Middle East Headquarters in Dubai.

    Omar helps and supports the science community and researchers (academia and industry) to accelerate innovation and enhance productivity.

    Omar holds a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences Composite Structures from Belarus State Polytechnic Academy.

    Dr. Ondrej Baco  

    Dr. Ondrej Baco is a Transmission Electron Microscopy Product Specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific in the Czech Republic, focusing on Materials Science applications. Previously, he worked at the R&D department as a System Design Engineer and Technical Lead with expertise in charged particle optics and field emission electron sources. During his studies, his primary focus was nanotechnology fabrication and characterization techniques, including electron beam lithography, atomic force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy.

    Daniel Phifer  

    Daniel Phifer is Senior Manager - Product Specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and supports ESEM, SEM, and DualBeam applications for material science. He has experience using these systems, including demoing and training microscopists, and currently provides team management and technical support on SEM, ESEM, and DualBeam configurations and techniques. He has worked in several positions since 1998 at Thermo Fisher Scientific, gaining insight on materials from metals, minerals, semiconductor devices, forensics, polymers, and composites that are either conductive or non-conductive, beam sensitive, and sometimes reactive.

    Gaurav Sharma  

    Gaurav Sharma completed his research in Toxicology in 2007 from Punjab University Chandigarh (India). After working as a lecturer in an undergraduate college for five years, he joined the Electron Microscopy Field as an application specialist at NIPER, India. In his 15 years of EM journey, he worked as an Application Specialist, Service Engineer, and Product Marketing Engineer. He is a sales development and product specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), and is responsible for EM business in EMEA.

    Xavier GRANDMAISON  

    Xavier GRANDMAISON is the Area Sales Manager based in France. He covers the Middle East and African territories. Xavier oversees 2D/3D image analysis and data management solutions for Materials Science and Life Sciences
