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    Geopolitics of the Gulf Energy

    The 4th Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference

    26 - 27 November, 2019
    Qatar University, Higher Administration Building (B01) – Conference Room

    The Gulf Studies Center is pleased to announce the call for papers for its 4th Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference "Geopolitics of the Gulf Energy: Adjusting to a new Global Vista."
    At the beginning of the 21st century, the situation at the global energy markets experienced drastic changes. The monopoly of the West on the determination of the situation in the global energy market as well as on the shaping of the global energy security was challenged. This happened due to a number of reasons. On the one hand, the new centers of energy consumption such as China and India emerged and became no less important as well as influential than the EU countries. The non-European centers of consumption also created their own energy corporations. Now, these new companies are attempting to shape the global oil and gas market. Yet, their vision of the hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon energy industry’s future is not always in compliance with the vision of the old players. On the other hand, the EU and US have to take into account the growing role of international and regional structures in determining the situation in the energy market. In addition to that, the OPEC once again tries to increase its influence in the oil market. Finally, the West is also changing. While the shale revolution turned the US in the net exporter of oil and gas, Europe becomes more interested in the quest for sustainable and environmental-friendly sources of energy. Under these circumstances, the Gulf countries once again have to define their place in the global energy market that is no more solely dominated by the Western powers. However, it is still an open question on whether the Gulf countries will be able to shape the global energy market in accordance to their vision or their role has already been defined by external factors. Moreover, this role might be different from what Gulf authorities and business would like to have.
    This annual international conference will bring together scholars, policy makers and students from a wide-range of disciplines to engage in a nuance debate on the geopolitics of the Gulf energy, considering existing transformations of the global energy market and those political and economic challenges faced by the Gulf countries.

    How to apply

    Interested participants need to submit an abstracts of 500 words as well as an updated CV to, before 10 September 2019. Candidates whose abstracts are accepted
    will be notified by 20 September 2019.
    Presenters are expected to submit the first draft of their papers by 20 October 2019
    (submission of the draft is the condition for participation in the conference)

    For more information please see the call for papers.

    Call for Papers            

    Download the full pro​gram of the conference
