Inaugural Launch
The Peninsula
Gulf Times
Doha News
Qatar Newswire
The Jean Monnet Module aims to promote modern teaching modules in the following courses:
A. Firstly, The European Union: Legal History and Institutions: The course will take place annually and will run for 7 weeks. The first three weeks will focus on the legal history of the European Union, while the next three weeks will explore the most important European institutions. The course will be complemented by a seminar on how to prepare policy briefs on European Union law issues, thus helping participants develop critical thinking and acquire practical skills.
B. The second course is The Evolution of the European Union Law in the Field of Environmental Protection and Human Rights: The course will take place annually and will run for 7 weeks. The first three weeks will focus European environmental law, while the next three weeks will explore the contribution of the European Union in the field of human rights. The course will also be complemented by a seminar on how to prepare policy briefs on European Union law issues.
C. Finally there is a Research Seminar on Conducting Research on European Union Law: The research seminar will be the third course-component of the Module.. This seminar will equip our masters and PhD students with the necessary skills and encourage them to conduct comparative research and consider aspects of European Union law in the preparation of their master dissertation and PhD thesis
Upon successful completion of each course of the proposed Module, participants will receive a certificate of attendance certified by the Centre for Law and Development of the College of Law, Qatar University.
The Jean Monnet Module addresses certain development needs in Qatar. Its activities will serve as basis for an enhanced dialogue and strengthened cooperation on education. Knowledge of the legal history of the European Union, its institutions and its contribution to the protection of the environment and human rights are key areas that relate to Qatar’s diversification efforts and the country's transformation agenda, contained in the QN2030.
There are many expected outcomes of the Jean Monnet Module which include:
- Improved education of generations of Qatar University graduates: The project will result in improved education outcomes in the law programmes.
- The improved employability of students and the ability on the long-run to enrol in a master-level programme targeting management position relating to the European Union and European Union law will have a very positive impact on Qatari companies and institutions, thus contributing to knowledge based economy and the diversification of Qatar’s economy.
- Capacity building of educators and programme managers: The participation of teaching personnel in the Module activities will improve capacities to develop and teach modern European Union law courses that exhibit European state-of-the-art standards.
- Through upscaling the experience from the Jean Monnet Module using policy recommendations and dissemination activities, the project will provide a best case study for curriculum modernisation in other Colleges of the University and in the State of Qatar in general.
European Union law and European studies in general are not currently part of the curricula of the programmes offered by Qatar University, by other institutions in Qatar and in GCC member states.
Launch Event Statement
Official Launch of the Jean Monnet Module At Qatar University
The Center for Law & Development at Qatar University (QU), College of Law, has officially launched the Jean Monnet Module in EU Law on the 9th of March 2021. The event featured several distinguished speakers including H.E. Dr. Cristian Tudor, Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to the State of Kuwait and the State of Qatar; Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Derham, President of Qatar University and Dr. Jon Truby, Director of the Centre for Law and Development (CLD). The distinguished speakers highlighted the importance of this course as a first course in EU Law in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). This course is another stepping-stone in the EU-Qatar relations, this time from an education perspective following the recent agreements signed between the EU and Qatar in various fields.
This new cooperation in the field of education between QU and the EU is very significant. The Center for Law and Development at the College of Law of Qatar University has been awarded the EU Jean Monnet Module funding to deliver courses on EU Law to students and professionals in the State of Qatar. The “Doha Courses on European Union Law” will be the first Jean Monnet Module in Qatar and the GCC, and the courses will be delivered for 3 years. In a funding competition, the CLD won a competitive grant and was one of 360 awarded applications out of the 1447 eligible applications for funding in 2020. The Module aims to create interest in the European Union and to constitute the basis for future poles of European knowledge and research in the State of Qatar.
The Module seeks to foster the publication and dissemination of academic research in EU Law, and to create interest in the EU amongst students in Qatar. The Module will allow the CLD to deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU Law topics relevant for graduates in their professional life.
This will help Qatar-based lawyers develop skills and knowledge in EU Law so that local businesses and organizations are better equipped to trade with EU companies and deal with EU institutions. The Module will deliver 40 teaching hours per academic year in EU Law, requiring the academic input of several professors and experts. The Module components focus firstly on the introduction to the European Union’s legal history and institutions, and secondly on legal areas where the European Union plays a leading role. The Module aims to promote research skills and knowledge in the field of international organizations and integration using the European Union as a model, environmental protection, and human rights, which are key pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030. Finally, the Monnet Module will promote the role of Qatar University as a source of expertise to serve the nation’s needs; strengthening local, regional, and international partnerships in strategic areas and be a catalyst development of Qatar.
In his intervention, Ambassador Dr. Cristian Tudor stated:
“The EU and the State of Qatar are cooperating to raise awareness about the existing opportunities for academic, scientific and cultural cooperation between us both. We are happy to see that, as in other fields, Qatar has shown regional leadership. The experience through this module is a solid basis, upon which the Qatari academic community can build upon not only to get acquainted with the EU legal order but also to foster dialogue between policy makers and academics in universities in the EU and partner countries.
I believe that Qatar University’s experience with the Jean Monnet Module would be highly interesting for the entire region. Therefore, I am sure this will not be the last time we work together.”
Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Derham, President of Qatar University mentioned that “once again, Qatar University highlights its importance as the main educational institute of the country through this grant”.
Dr. Jon Truby, Director of the Centre for Law and Development emphasized the “significance of the center having the grant for the development of research related to EU Law and EU-Qatar relations.