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    Directors Message

    Enlightened by Qatar University’s vision and research strategy in excelling at relevant, centered, measurable, solution-oriented research that have high impact in improving reality, the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University adopts a methodology that focuses on emphasizing the role of survey research to face current challenges, in accordance with the latest research methodologies which contributes in achieving outcomes that advances knowledge and innovation. In addition, SESRI aims to create awareness of the research opportunities, and directs faculty members and students to explore the research map of the institute's research plan, as well as improving their skills in designing and applying for competitive research grants. SESRI is considered a house of experience that provides researchers with high quality research techniques, and contributes in designing research that are directly related to the national needs which supports institutions and society plans with scientific results that helps organizing and developing the capacities of the society. Furthermore, SESRI scope of work aims to evaluate the factual and developmental impact of the strategic national plans and projects according to specific criteria for its researches.

    SESRI relies on scientific planning to conduct interdisciplinary quantitative and qualitative survey research that frames the integrative relationship between the scientific disciplines at the university and the other research institutions within the national, regional, and international level. These researches include: the human values, behavior and wellbeing; the social constructs such as family, marriage, family relations; civil society institutions; youth and identity issues and values; social welfare and governance; population, employment and immigration; the economy including important phenomena such as: savings, consumptions, productivity, competitiveness and transparency; sustainability in its humanitarian and environmental dimensions; policies and planning; media, visual identities and community outreach; sports and complications of individuals in cities and contemporary life, besides several other issues and topics.

    SESRI has a number of qualified researchers and employees with high competencies in research domains and professional experiences. They share a joined vision of the importance of conducting high-quality survey researches to better serve individuals and institutes. Similarly, SESRI incubates a group of young researchers aiming to raise a new generation of researchers that possess advanced research knowledge and capacities, which will generate innovative research ideas that will enhance knowledge and create a state of intellectual renaissance, and supports the ability to find practical solutions for contemporary societal issues.

    Prof. Kaltham Ali Al-Ghanim

    Director of the Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI)

    Qatar University