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    About Us

    The Center for Advanced Materials (CAM) works under Qatar University’s Office of Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. Since its inception in the year 2002, CAM has​ been dedicated to providing unique excellence in the field of material technologies. With well-equipped laboratories and experienced expertise, the Center offers knowledgeable assistance to local oil, gas and processing industries as well as the learning community in Qatar.


    The mission of the Center for Advanced Materials is:

    • to enhance and support interdisciplinary research on materials science and engineering by conducting applied research projects and provide knowledge and experience that meet the needs of industry and society.
    • to efficiently use all the available capacities (human and technical) at CAM and in partnership with other institutions inside and outside Qatar.
    • to continue in the development of excellent research centrum focused on designing smart materials and advanced technologies applicable in the Qatari industry. The target is to achieve excellent research outcomes that will enhance the sustainability of Qatar in materials science, building industry, waste management, and ecology.


    • Lead the interdisciplinary materials science and engineering research in Qatar
    • Guide the industry progress in this field by applied projects and providing consultations and training
    • Support characterization techniques in Qatar