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    Post-Doc Initiative Program (PDOC)

    As part of QU’s strategic research excellence initiatives, and in order to consolidate the momentum of its journey towards achieving strategic objectives and promotion of international endeavors, the university is willing to host a number of high caliber Postdoctoral researchers at various research areas that meet fundamental technological and scientific challenges, involves multidisciplinary work and a high degree of novelty. This program aims to attract talented applicants to pursue research as a career path and boost the creativity and productivity at QU.

    Post-Doc Initiative Program (PDOC)- Cycle 2-  Stage 2 is now open:


    Deadline for Proposals Submission

    Click here or more details

    Feb 15, 2024 (12:00 PM) Noon.




    Post-Doc Initiative Program (PDOC)- Cycle 3-  Stage 1:


    Stage 1: Research Proposal Submission (Referent)

    Launch of the Call for Research Topic Proposals

    Fall 2023

    Deadline for Proposals Submission

    Dec 11, 2023 (12:00 PM) Noon.


    Upload the full application online through iGrantsExtent

    Proposals Selection Announcement

    Spring 2024

    Stage 2: Application Submission (Post-Doc Applicant)

    Launch of the Call for Applications

    Spring 2024

    Deadline for Application Submission

    Summer 2024

    Short listed Candidates Announcement

    Beg. Fall 2024

    Post-Doc Start date

    Fall 2024

    Grant Duration

    2 Years

    Post-Doc Program Contact
