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    Monograph Series: The Shura Councils in the Gulf

    The ‘Shura Councils in the Gulf’ project gathered a distinguished group of scholars and specialists from within the region, equipped with the necessary methodological and comparative tools, to discuss and assess the role, function and performance of every one of the legislative/consultative chambers in the Gulf region. This project fills the gap in the literature regarding the legislative branch of political systems in the Middle East region and specifically the Gulf countries often disregarded by the scholarly publications due to the character of their political regimes.

    The case studies discussed in this series are Iran; Iraq (and Kurdistan); Saudi Arabia; Kuwait; Qatar; Bahrain; United Arab Emirates; Oman and Yemen.


    Dr. Luciano Zaccara, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University.

    Prof. Anoush Ehtheshami, Al Sabah Program, Durham University.

    Published monographs

    No. 5 September 2021

    The Parliament of Kurdistan - Iraq: Slow but Steady Coming into Existence of a Non-State Parliamentary Institution

    Mohammad Yaseen Taha and Angela Movileanu

    No. 4 September 2021

    The Legal System of Qatar Shura Council 

    ​Hassan Al Sayed

    No. 3 January 2020

    Yemeni Parliament: Functioning Legislature in a Failed State

    Ahmed A. Saif

    No. 2 September 2019

    Representative Councils in Oman. A Normative Assessment of Parliamentary Efficacy of the Majlis Ash-Shura in Oman 

    Ahmed Ali M. al Mukhaini

    No. 1 July 2019

    Kuwait's National Assembly: Roles and Dynamics

    Hamad H. Albloshi