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    Advisory Services

    o support colleges and departments as a business partner who understands their operational and people management issues and works actively to improve operations, education of our students and people management practices.

    Recruitment and Selection

    To recruit and retain the right talent to meet current and future needs. In doing so, to use methods that demonstrate equality of opportunity and transparency and enhance the perception of the Qatar University as an employer. Retention of qualified employees requires up-to-date workforce policies and programs that clearly demonstrate our commitment to the quality of our work environment, promote work-life balance and are flexible and family friendly.     

    Employee Relations

    To have a collaborative and constructive relationship with employees and that allows the Corporation’s objectives to be met and change to be accommodated.

    Performance Management

    Qatar University is committed to clearly communicated expectations, open dialogue, and a fair evaluation of performance for both Faculty members and Administrative Staff during the probation period and annually after the probation period is completed.
    Performance appraisals are conducted during the probationary period and once per year after the initial probation period is completed.

    The performance appraisal include:

    • Evaluating the employee with respect to the duties required of the position
    • Competencies (as defined) for the role
    • Setting objectives for the ongoing performance of duties; and,
    • Identifying any training required for the employee. 

    Employee Events

    To support the creation of an enriching work environment for faculty and staff we will organize employee events that provide opportunities for interaction, socialization, and knowledge sharing.    

    Organizational Development

    To act as a business partner in supporting organizational change through organizational design, change management and interventions (teambuilding, interpersonal or team conflict resolution, etc.); particularly in the areas of rewards and recognition, culture change, collaboration and workflow.

    Health and Safety

    To establish and promote high standards of health, wellness and safety throughout the corporation to enable staff to perform productively.​
