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    Young Alumnus Award

    The true measure of a university’s success can be found in the achievements of its alumni’s personal and work lives. In this context, the Office of Alumni Relations announces the start of nomination of the Young Alumni Award 2022.

    Qatar University established the “Outstanding Young Alumni Award” in 2007 in recognition of the efforts and achievements of alumni in various fields to support the image of the University at the local, regional and international levels.
    The nomination process for the award will run from 30th May to 31st July 2022, and a specialized committee will review all applications and select the best candidate for the award so that the winner will be announced and presented at the annual forum of Qatar University at the beginning of each academic year.

    It is worth mentioning that in order for the nomination file to be accepted, it is a prerequisite that the applicant had graduated at least 3 years ago and not has exceeded 10 years since graduation; and the University employees are not entitled to apply for the award.

    The candidate for the award is evaluated according to the following mechanism and criteria:


    Interview with the CommitteeApplication Form




    The candidate's file (for the award) is evaluated in accordance with a “Matrix “consisting of five precise and integrated criteria each of which includes a number of “indicators" of equal grades and weights that are composed entirely of 50 points, and therefore, the evaluators will view the candidates’ files according to the rules of Assessment Rubric as follows:

    1. The “role model” Criterion:  "having a degree of moral integrity, good reputation, and outstanding achievements both at the university, society and State levels, so as to be an incentive for the rest of the University graduates and students to follow and imitate", this can be measured by the following indicators:
      • Diligence and participation,
      • Order/Organization and discipline,
      • Thinking and Innovation,
      • Positive outlook and confidence,
      • Supporting others

    2. Leadership Criterion: it is defined as “having the sense of taking initiative ; the ability to achieve remarkable accomplishments that exceed normal expectations ; the ability to innovate, to think, foresight, and be hardworking”, this can:  be measured by the following indicators:
      • Inspiring a shared vision
      • Developing Work Methods
      • Empowering others
      • Encouraging others

    3. DevelopmentCriterion: it is defined as “the extent to which alumni have been exposed to professional and personal development since their graduation from Qatar University until the time of their candidacy for the   Award” , this can be measured by the following indicators:
      • Applying the knowledge, principles, and concepts of his /her specialization.
      • Critical, reflective and creative thinking
      • Using technologies appropriately
      • Taking advantage of learning skills
      • Applying professional skills

    4. Communication criterion the almuni’s communication with the university after their graduation, their support for it, and their contribution of time, abilities or resources for the benefit of programs or projects that have benefited the university, or promoted its status or reputation ”; this can be measured by the following indicators:
      • Alumni Association Membership
      • Receiving information after graduation
      • Communicating with the department
      • Voluntary Support

    5. Compliance Criterion:the candidate’s pride in" his favored university , and his being in his personal or professional life, a living example of the principles and values * that he acquired and learned during his studies at the university ; this can be measured by the following indicators:
      • Compatibility of values
      • Reflection of values
      • Belief compatibility

    QU Values:

    • Excellence: Qatar University is committed to excellence in everything it does and to the highest standards of quality and professionalism.
    • Integrity: Qatar University is committed to integrity and to the highest ethical standards of honesty, fairness, transparency, responsibility and accountability.
    • Academic Freedom: Qatar University is committed to an environment that supports responsible freedom of inquiry, expression and the search for truth.
    • Diversity: Qatar University embraces the diversity that respects religious and cultural tenants, and considers a diverse faculty and student body a source of strength that enriches its educational and work environment.
    • Innovation: Qatar University fosters innovation by encouraging its students, faculty, and staff to explore novel ideas in an environment of free and open inquiry, to pursue the discovery and application of knowledge, and develop innovative solutions.
    • Social Responsibility: Qatar University promotes positive and proactive engagement with the community, grounded in a sense of its aspirations and needs.