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    CHS Committees

    CHS Academic Committee

    A. Committee Mandate: Oversight of CHS academic matters, faculty affairs, program review, development, benchmarking and accreditation.
    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1. Review curricular objectives, teaching and evaluation strategies and curricular outcomes
    2. Respond to external audits and accreditation surveys.
    3. Supervise self-study procedures held by the respective programs/departments.
    4. Monitor the content and workload in each department.
    5. Review developments in accreditation processes.
    6. Make decisions regarding course substitutions, offering and other curricular issues.
    7. Validate and audit CHS academic programs for compliance with established standards.
    8. Implement a quality assurance assessment of all courses offered by CHS academic programs on a regular cycle. 
    9. Determine a review cycle for quality assurance audits.
    10. Conduct standard recruitment, promotion standards and documentation.
    11. Provide recommendations to all academic issues.

    CHS Research & Graduate Committee

    A. Committee Mandate: Oversee graduate studies and all research-related matters that affect the strategic objectives of the College.
    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1. Maintain graduate studies for admissions, programs of study, conditions for graduation, and the nature of degrees to be conferred.
    2. Initiate or consider and approve proposals on new or changed Graduate Studies & Research policies;
    3. Review, select and approve candidates for the offered  scholarships
    4. Foster and maintain a culture of academic excellence as an integral part of education and learning in CHS
    5. Develop and implement policies that apply specifically to graduate studies
    6. Review and recommend applications for internal research grants.
    7. Initiate, consider and/or approve proposals on new or changed College of Graduate Studies & Research policies.
    8. Review and recommend guidelines pertaining to safety and ethics in research.
    9. Oversee organization of CHS research activities.
    10. Provide mentorship to new research faculty by helping them initiate and maintain quality research.
    11. Review and modify policies and practices periodically that affect graduate students.
    12. Promote departmental representation on national and international granting panels and at key symposia.
    13. Interact with other groups within the department that in development of research initiatives.
    14. Oversee quality assurance and improvement measures in all aspects of research.
    15. Monitor activity, including the efficacy of research quality measures.
    16. Select qualified applicants to the graduate programs and recommend their admission to the University.

    CHS Budget & College Activities Committee 

    A. Committee Mandate: Oversee budget policies and procedures, to ensure that financial resources are allocated in a manner that supports programs and promote social, cultural and academic interaction between CHS faculty members, students, Qatar University community and our counterparts. 
    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1. Review and monitor the annual budget and financial plan.
    2. Develop and review policies relating to the financial management of the College and oversee their implementation.
    3. Monitor and oversee the efficient use of the College’s resources across all departments.
    4. Prepare annual reports including recommendations for all budgetary issues.
    5. Organize shared events between faculty and students.
    6. Organize major events in collaboration with stakeholders and external partners.
    7. Budget and approve funds for CHS events.
    8. Encourage faculty and students participation in all CHS events.
    9. Plan, organize, and oversee student activities.
    10. Facilitate establishment of CHS student’s club.

    Clinical training committee

    A. Committee Mandate: Develop and maintain training guidelines to ensure that trainees are clinically competent for safe clinical practice, which ensures quality patient care. Support and develop strategies and programs to promote CHS professional development.

    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1. Develop and disseminate tools for clinical training.
    2. Regularly review and evaluate training, education and student’s clinical experience.
    3. Assess and evaluate the quality of health services, including the review of clinical practices.
    4. Providing feedback on clinical-related activities and implement strategic priorities related to clinical practice.
    5. Advise on identification of potential clinical practice and service delivery priorities/needs through collaboration with related health institutions. 
    6. Regularly review and evaluate the training, education, experience and working conditions of each trainee.

    Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

    Committee Mandate: Advise the college on academic and resource implications of CPD requirements that may be influenced by national and licensing agencies.
    B. Committee Terms of Reference (TOR):

    1. Initiate, maintain and sustain a strategic overview of all aspects of the College’s professional development portfolio.
    2. Ensure that the College’s professional development activities are provided in an equitable and accessible manner.
    3. Make recommendations to college in relation to the professional development portfolio.
    4. Oversee the development of policies for the professional development portfolio.
    5. Review the effectiveness of professional development courses and workshops.
    6. Review policies in consideration of any potential regulatory and institutional changes.
    7. Monitor changes and needs in professional standards to ensure alignment of CPD programs and content with needs of the country.
    8. Plan, monitor and evaluate CPD activities.
    9. Present an annual report on the CPD workshops conducted during the academic year.