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    Previous Research projects

    • SMEs Export

    • women & Entrepreneurship

    • Family Business

    • Startup Failure

    • Competitive and Sustainable SMEs

    • Digital transformation

    • Product, Process & Business Model Innovation

    • Environmental Innovation

    • Frugal innovation, open innovation, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, sharing economy

    • Innovation, entrepreneurship, SMEs and operations management.

    • Digital transformation

    • Product, Process & Business Model Innovation

    • Environmental Innovation

    Ongoing Research Projects

    Government Incentives to Stimulate Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    Governments around the world have been working to encourage domestic innovation and entrepreneurship as an important means for

    1. Reducing the unemployment rate

    2. Enhancing GDP growth rates

    3. Deepening the knowledge-based economy

    In the case of oil-rich economies such as Qatar, innovation and entrepreneurship can also contribute to economic diversification, which would assist Qatar’s sustainable economic development. Government policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship include both tax and non-tax incentives. Business tax concessions can take many forms including, most notably, research and development (R&D) tax deductions. On the other hand, non-tax incentives can include

    1. Developing the skills of entrepreneurs and innovators through educational and training programs

    2. Simplifying access to finance

    3. Providing free or subsidized packages of business services to potential entrepreneurs

    4. Developing modern institutions to support innovation and entrepreneurial activities

    Potential Impact of Introducing VAT on Inflation and Consumer Behavior in Qatar

    As a part of Qatar University research activities under the Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP-24th) funded by the Qatar National Research Fund. The project title is “The Impact of the Potential of Value Added Tax on Consumer Behavior”. In order to diversify the source of government revenue and to ensure its sustainability, it was recommended to reform the tax system in the GCC countries through the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT).

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE have introduced VAT in 2018, while the other countries including Qatar are preparing to introduce VAT through taking a number of measures. Thus, this research project aims to assess the potential impact of VAT on price levels and consumer behavior. We are running this survey among Qatar University Community during academic year 2019-2020, in order to identify the households’ consumption behaviour and the impact of imposing VAT on it. This will help us to obtain specific results, which helps providing specific policy recommendations to policy makers.

    Accordingly, your participation in this study is highly appreciated. Kindly be informed that all information collected through this survey will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used only for research purposes in accordance with Qatar University related policies.